my_ggp1 <-ggplot(data = ToothGrowth, # Save plot in data objectaes(x = supp,y = len)) +geom_boxplot()my_ggp1 # Draw plot in data object
Add a layer to the plot object…
my_ggp1 +# Add layer to data objectgeom_jitter(width =0.2,color ="#1b98e0")
Save as new object…
my_ggp2 <- my_ggp1 +# Create new data objectgeom_jitter(width =0.2,color ="#1b98e0")my_ggp2
Adding different layer types
my_ggp2 +# Different layer typesstat_summary(fun = mean, geom ="point", color ="red", size =10,shape =18) +annotate(geom ="text",x =1, y =34,label ="Plot with different layer types!",size =5) +theme_void()
In this module, we will build on the airquality data set introduced earlier. To prepare, we will install and load the ggplot2 package, convert the Month column to a factor class to use it as a categorical variable, and set a random seed for reproducibility.
airquality$Month <-as.factor(airquality$Month) # Convert Month to factor
Create a boxplot mapping the Month column to the x-axis and the Temp column to the y-axis. Save the plot as a data object named my_ggp3 and display the plot.